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제목 펌글) 다른소리 - 김진숙이 한진해운 사장 된다.....
글쓴이 醉~ 등록일 13-11-13 15:15
다른소리님의 글.



이 순간에도 세계 각지에서는 세상을 바꾸려는 사람들의 꿈이 현실화 되고 잇다 고요..........

볼리비아 대통령 모랄레스는..
파산한 기업,불법적인 기업퍠쇄를 한 기업들을 노동자들이 접수 하여 사회적 기업화 시키는 대통령 칙령을 발표 하엿답니다..

이젠 더 이상 노동자들의 파업에 맞써 자본가들이 기업을 패쇄하는 으름짱 같은건 할수 없게 됫따요..
그리 기업을 패쇄 하면...노동자들이 기업을 접수, 정부의 지원하에...사회적 공유기업을 만들어 버리면 되요....아조 쉬워요..

김진숙이 크레인에 올랏을때..
자본가 놈들이 직장퍠쇄 한다 어쩐다 으름짱 놧지요
직장 퍠쇄 하는 순간...회사 주인이 노동자로 바뀌게 됩니다..
김진숙은 노동자에서 졸지에 사장이 되요...다른 노동자들 모두 함께 공동사장..

프랑스는 좌파 집권이후..
기업이 노동위원회의 동의 없이는 매각을 할수 없게 만들엇제요..
이젠 m&a 같은것 지들 멋 대로 못해요.

월가놈들 돈 놀음으로 전락한 기업 사냥질에 근본적으로 제동을 걸엇고요..

이젠 기업 키워 팔아먹으려면....꼼짝없이 노동위원회에 회사 회계 장부와 매각 계획 들을 깡그리 검사 받아야 합니당..........

미국의 젊은이들의(18-29)
사회주의에 대한 호의도가 49%가 넘엇고
자본주의 대한 부정적 의견이 47%..긍정적 의견 보다 더 높앗다고 햇지용


Bolivian Government Authorizes Workers
to Take Over Closed or Abandoned Firms

Richard Fidler
On October 7, President Evo Morales issued a government decree that allows workers to establish “social enterprises” in businesses that are bankrupt, winding up, or unjustifiably closed or abandoned. These enterprises, while private, will be operated by the workers and qualify for government assistance.
Morales issued Supreme Decree 1754 at a ceremony in the presidential palace marking the 62nd anniversary of the founding of the Confederación General de Trabajadores Fabriles de Bolivia (CGTFB – the General Confederation of Industrial Workers of Bolivia). The Minister of Labour, Daniel Santalla, said the decree was issued pursuant to article 54 of Bolivia's new Constitution, which states that workers
“in defense of their workplaces and protection of the social interest may, in accordance with the law, reactivate and reorganize firms that are undergoing bankrupty, creditor proceedings or liquidation, or closed or abandoned without justification, and may form communitarian or social enterprises. The state will contribute to the action of the workers.”
In his remarks to the audience of several hundred union members and leaders, President Morales noted that employers often attempt to blackmail workers with threats to shut down when faced with demands for higher wages. “Now, if they threaten you in that way, the firm may as well go bankrupt or close, because you will become the owners. They will be new social enterprises,” he said.
The Process Begins
Labour Minister Santalla noted that the constitutional article had already been used to establish some firms, such as Enatex, Instrabol, and Traboltex, and that more such firms could now be set up under the new decree.
Business spokesmen predictably warned that the new provisions would be a disincentive to private investment and risk the viability of companies.
Santalla also said that firms that do not comply with their workforce obligations under the law will lose preferential mechanisms to export their products to state-managed markets. And he cited some recent cases in which the government had intervened in defense of workers victimized for their attempts to form unions. In one such case last month, Burger King, the company was fined 30,000 Bolivianos ($4,300 U.S.), ordered to reinstate the fired workers and to recognize the union.
In the following article Alfredo Rada, Bolivia's Deputy Minister of Coordination with the Social Movements, draws attention to some important developments within the country's labour movement and suggests some means by which the unions can be more effectively incorporated within the “process of change” being championed by the government of the MAS-IPSP, the Movement for Socialism – Political Instrument for the Sovereignty of the Peoples. My translation from the Spanish.
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