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글쓴이 돌멩이 등록일 13-08-27 10:48… [2334]
VENEZUELA: A Citizen’s Income for Full-Time Mothers
[BICN-Jenna van Draanen–June 2013]
A recently published news article describes a new pension for full-time mothers in Venezuela. According to Chew, a  labor law has been passed to allow mothers to collect pensions for the work they perform in the household. The article describes the Chavistas’ new labor law as anti-sexist in the way that it recognizes the “monetary value of housework.”
The idea of a pension for mothers is similar to some conceptualizations of basic income because of its universality and because it operates on the fundamental premise that an individual is entitled to an income based on something other than their participation in the labour market.
The article written by Kristina Chew can be found at:
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기본소득 한국 네트워크 / basicincome@copyLeft 2013