작성일 : 14-05-24 01:39
[한글외문서] [영문 텍스트] PARIJS의 ** 이해 / 시민소득 논쟁 / 공화주의와 ** / 여성과 ** / 생태적 지속가능성, 이주민, 노동조합과 ** / 지구적 ** / **운동의 전개
 글쓴이 : 사무처
조회 : 5,770  
   3회_PARIJS의_기본소득_이해.zip (860.7K) [22] DATE : 2014-05-24 01:39:42
   5회_공화주의와_기본소득.zip (682.5K) [4] DATE : 2014-05-24 01:39:42
   6회_여성과_기본소득.zip (295.9K) [7] DATE : 2014-05-24 01:39:42
   7회_생태적_지속가능성,이주민,노동조합과_.zip (736.5K) [4] DATE : 2014-05-24 01:39:42
   8회_지구적_기본소득.zip (741.7K) [6] DATE : 2014-05-24 01:39:42
   9회_기본소득_운동의_전개.zip (489.3K) [5] DATE : 2014-05-24 01:39:42
ms kwon|조회 205|추천 0|2009.03.10. 10:52http://cafe.daum.net/basicincome/4tDa/8 


첨부파일 3회 PARIJS의 기본소득 이해.zip


첨부파일 5회 공화주의와 기본소득.zip


첨부파일 6회 여성과 기본소득.zip


첨부파일 7회 생태적 지속가능성, 이주민, 노동조합과 .zip


첨부파일 8회 지구적 기본소득.zip


첨부파일 9회 기본소득 운동의 전개.zip


사회당 기본소득위원회에서 기본소득 세미나를 진행하고 있는데 그 자료를 올립니다. 목록은 최광은 님이 작성해 주셨습니다.


압축파일은 총 6개입니다. 파일 형태가 좀 제각각입니다. doc, hwp, pdf 등이 혼재되어 있는데 pdf의 경우 텍스트 복사가 안되는 경우가 있습니다. 제가 어찌할 수 있는 바가 아니어서 그러니 양해바랍니다.


PARIJS의 기본소득 이해
1. Basic Income: A Simple and Powerful Idea for the Twenty-First Century / Philippe Van  Parijs, <Politics & Society> Mar 2004 Vol 32 Issue 1
2. A Capitalist Road to Communism / Robert J. Van der Veen & Philippe Van  Parijs, <Basic Income Studies> Jun 2006 Vol 1 Issue 1
3. A Capitalist Road to Global Justice / Robert J. Van der Veen & Philippe Van  Parijs, <Basic Income Studies> Jun 2006 Vol 1 Issue 1


[복사본만 있음] 시민소득 논쟁
1. Towards a New Social Compact: Citizen's Income and Radical Tax Reform / James Robertson, <POLITICAL QUARTERLY> 1996 VOL:67 ISSUE:1
2. A Feasible Jerusalem / Ronald Dore, <POLITICAL QUARTERLY> 1996 VOL:67 ISSUE:1
3. Basic Income and the Two Dilemmas of the Welfare State / Philippe Van Parijs, <POLITICAL QUARTERLY> 1996 VOL:67 ISSUE:1
4. The Case for a Participation Income / A. B. Atkinson, <POLITICAL QUARTERLY> 1996 VOL:67 ISSUE:1


공화주의와 기본소득
1. A Republican Right to Basic Income / Pililp Pettit, <Basic Income Studies> Dec 2007 Vol 2 Issue 2
2. Basic Income and the Republican Ideal: Rethinking Material Independence in Contemporary Societies / David Casassas, <Basic Income Studies> Dec 2007 Vol 2 Issue 2
3. Property and Republican Freedom: An Institutional Approach to Basic Income / Antoni Domenech & Daniel Raventos, <Basic Income Studies> Dec 2007 Vol 2 Issue 2
4. The Republican Case for Basic Income: A Plea for Difficulty / Stuart White, <Basic Income Studies> Dec 2007 Vol 2 Issue 2
5. Why Republicanism / Carole Pateman, <Basic Income Studies> Dec 2007 Vol 2 Issue 2


여성과 기본소득
1. Good for women? Advantages and risks of a basic income from a gender perspective / Julieta Magdalena Elgarte, <11th Basic Income Earth Network Congress> Nov 2006
2. Basic income and the gendered division of labour / Julieta Elgarte, <12th Basic Income Earth Network Congress> Jun 2008
3. Basic Income, Gender Justice and the Costs of Gender-symmetrical Lifestyles / Anca Gheaus, <12th Basic Income Earth Network Congress> Jun 2008
4. Should Feminists Endorse a Basic Income? / Almaz Zelleke, <12th Basic Income Earth Network Congress> Jun 2008


생태적 지속가능성, 이주민, 노동조합과 기본소득
1. The Mutual Interdependence of a Citizens Income and Ecological Sustainability / Clive Lord, <9th Basic Income European Network Congress> Sept 2002
2. BASIC INCOME FOR IMMIGRANTS TOO / Àlex Boso & Irkus Larrinaga & Mihaela Vancea, <11th Basic Income Earth Network Congress> Nov 2006
3. Why Trade Unions Oppose Basic Income / Yannick Vanderborght, <Basic Income Studies> Jun 2006 Vol 1 Issue 1
4. Do Trade Unions Form an Obstacle to the Introduction of a Basic Income / Yannick Vanderborght, <10th Basic Income European Network Congress> Sept 2004


지구적 기본소득
1. A Planet-Wide Citizen’s Income: Espousal and Estimates / Myron J. Frankman, <9th Basic Income European Network Congress> Sept 2002
2. Ample Room at the Top: Financing a Planet-Wide Basic Income / Myron J. Frankman, <10th Basic Income European Network Congress> Sept 2004
3. Global Basic Income and its Contribution to Human Development and Fair Terms of Global Economic Co-Operation: A Political-Economic Outlook / Heiner Michel, <12th Basic Income Earth Network Congress> Jun 2008
4. Justice, Sustainability and Progressive Taxation and Redistribution: The Case for a World-Wide Basic Income / Myron J. Frankman, <12th Basic Income Earth Network Congress> Jun 2008
5. Proposal for a European Basic Income / Marc A. Meuris, <12th Basic Income Earth Network Congress> Jun 2008


기본소득 운동의 전개
1. Popular networks and public support for a basic income in Europe / Andy Mathers & Graham Taylor, <8th Basic Income European Network Congress> Oct 2000
2. Progressing Basic Income on a Range of Fronts / Sean Healy & Brigid Reynolds, <8th Basic Income European Network Congress> Oct 2000
3. The ‘VIVANT’ experiment in Belgium: an issue-based party focused on full basic income / Yannick Vanderborght, <8th Basic Income European Network Congress> Oct 2000
4. Mobilizing Support for Basic Income / Steven Shafarman, <9th Basic Income European Network Congress> Sept 2002
5. Popular Support for Basic Income in Sweden and Finland / Jan Otto Andersson & Olli Kangas, <9th Basic Income European Network Congress> Sept 2002
6. Introducing a Basic Income system in Spain: Feasibility and cost / Rafael Pinilla-Pallejà & Luis Sanzo-González, <10th Basic Income European Network Congress> Sept 2004
8. Moving to Basic Income (BI): A left-wing political perspective / Katja Kipping, <12th Basic Income Earth Network Congress> Jun 2008


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기본소득 한국 네트워크 / basicincome@copyLeft 2013